Heritage Project Phase 1 Construction Update as of 1/6/19:
We have reached several milestones this past week:
The 3 phase electric supply by REMC has reached its destination on the St. Nicholas property. This included installing 2 more wires on the existing poles down St. Nicholas Road to St. Nicholas Drive. We are currently using the new power supply to run our sewer lift station replacing the original power supply, a single phase to 3 phase converter. The old phase converter was showing its age and we will save repair or replacement of same by using the new power supply. Special thanks to Tom Kathman for making the changeover. In the next couple of months the new electric supply line will be buried on the south side of the gravel road and bored around the back of the existing hall to a new underground transformer to supply both new buildings.
The new steel building has about 95% of the structure steel in place. Some detailing needs to be done yet and the front is being left open to get the support steel (bar joists and steel pan) in for the concrete on the second floor.
The roof and insulation will start to be installed starting Tue., Jan. 8, weather permitting.